Object_Oriented Modeling as an Instrument for analyzing a Film Processing Plant
From Proceeding of European Simulation Multiconference,ESS94, Barcelona, June 1_3
P. Giribone
Obviously, given the specific nature of the problem, we
developed a discrete type simulator with time
controlled by events. The stochastic component of
many variables (faults, stops, maintenance periods,
frequency of lots, etc.) has a major effect on the final
results, therefore a thorough data acquisition operation
on the industrial situation is required to obtain the
different probability distributions which will be used as
a reference.
Different types of objects were defined which
correspond to the different parameters in the
production process: machines, personnel, rollers, carts,
orders, etc. (fig. 3).
Normally, each of these objects is connected
dynamically to the others and thus it is possible to
reassign personnel continuously to the different
machines or carts and to transfer each roller from
component to component.
Another important aspect of the model concerns
transports: to correctly reconstruct the movements
inside the plant, track objects were defined to join the
different machines.
Thus, it was possible to consider
the mutual interference between the different carts
when they follow the same track in different directions.
In practice, each track contains a route speed reduction
factor that depends on the presence of other carts.
All the information regarding the foreseen production
cycle and the total quality level is contained within
each roller (depending on whether or not skilled
personnel are working on certain machines and on the
type of route taken).
In this way it is possible to
reproduce quality control operations on the product. If
the outcome is negative, this generates a new lot that is
identical to the present one and directs the relative
product towards one of the degenerated cycles
corresponding to the different routes utilized by the
rejects in the plant.
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