Object_Oriented Modeling as an Instrument for analyzing a Film Processing Plant
From Proceeding of European Simulation Multiconference,ESS94, Barcelona, June 1_3 1994
P. Giribone
The concept of object_oriented programming is
particularly suitable for modeling real complex systems
and is therefore very useful for building industrial
The use of object_oriented languages streamlines the
program development process while respecting this
approach; however, it should be remembered that
object_oriented modeling is basically an approach: the
ability to utilize the potential of such an approach
depends more on the modelling philosophy than the
tool used.
This work presents a model of an industrial plant
which produces photosensitive film. The simulation in
question will identify the action to be taken on the
plant and on the production process to reduce rejects
and to increase product quality.
To achieve this objective, an object_oriented approach
had to be used to immediately identify the effect of the
single plant components and therefore to evaluate the
economic suitability of new operating strategies and
possible hardware updates.
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